Welcome to the Galion City Schools Food Service Department

In case you haven’t heard, food service departments are facing unprecedented issues with the supply chain that could cause us to change our menus with little to no notice.  We work very hard with our distributors to get the food and supplies necessary to prepare your favorite meals, however availability changes daily.

It is our intention to serve the posted menu every day at every school, but supply issues could make this impossible.  We will work hard to make comparable substitutes, but sometimes we may have to change the menu completely.  We will be updating the menu weekly, on Monday evenings, to reflect changes due to availability issues.  Please check the posted menus for the most recent school lunch offerings!

**All menus are subject to change.

**Galion City School District is an equal opportunity provider. View complete USDA Non-discrimination statement here.

Hello Summer

2024 Summer Meal Program

Galion City Schools will be sponsoring the Summer Food Service Program in partnership with the USDA!

Grab and go meals will be offered every Monday from June 10 – July 29. Meal bags containing 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches, plus bulk milk will be distributed!!  Every child 18 and under living in Galion is eligible for 1 meal bag each week.  By receiving these meals, you acknowledge you cannot receive meals at another USDA sponsored location, including a daycare facility.

Pick up at these locations:

  • Libby Lane Apartments    10:15 –10:35 | 265 Libby Lane

  • East Park     10:45 – 11:05 | 1231 E Walnut St – Splash Pad Parking Lot

  •  Galion Arms    11:15 – 11:35 | 585 Galion Arms Court

  •  Heise Park     11:45 – 12:05 | 98-2 Heise Park Lane – Football Field Parking Lot

Sign up is not required, but recommended to assist us in the planning process. Call (419)468-6500 ext 11016 or email to king.shannon@galionschools.org  

Please provide your name, your child/children names and preferred pickup location.

Be sure to Like and Follow us on Facebook to see the most current information all Summer!!  GALION CITY SCHOOLS FOOD SERVICE

 This organization is an equal opportunity provider.

Ohio Dept. of Education Sun Bucks

NEW! Summer EBT or SUN Bucks

The Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer Program for Children (Summer EBT or SUN Bucks) Summer EBT or SUN Bucks is a new grocery benefit available to low-income families with school-aged children. Summer EBT benefits will be loaded to a household's Ohio Direction Card, or a card will be sent to each eligible child.

Families can use the card to buy food during the summer at grocery stores, farmers markets, and other authorized retailers. Families will receive a one-time benefit of $120 for each eligible child. Participation will not affect families immigration status.

Who is Included and How Do I Apply?

All students attending Galion City Schools, including graduated seniors, who were approved for Free/Reduced Lunch meals will be eligible.

If your household already participates in SNAP, OWF, or if income eligible and receiving Medicaid benefits, your child will automatically be enrolled to receive summer benefits with no further action.

If you completed a meal eligibility application for 2023-24 school year and were approved for FREE/REDUCED meal benefits, your child will be enrolled to receive summer benefits with no further action.

Galion Online Academy students do not have access to the National School Lunch Program, therefore are not allowed to be submitted by the Galion City Schools to receive the Summer EBT. However, if the student is on SNAP, OWF, or Medicaid (and the household is within income eligibility for the Free/Reduced Lunch), they will automatically receive the Summer EBT.


If you are unsure if you qualify for Summer EBT, we encourage you to complete the application at https://sebt.ohio.gov/apply/ - IF IN DOUBT, FILL IT OUT!

For General Summer EBT Support Questions

Phone: 1-866-244-0071 Option 1

Email: support@ohio-k12.help

For Questions about Summer EBT. Card


To Check Your Application Status https://sebt.ohio.gov/status/

Questions about Free/Reduced-Price Meal Eligibility

Phone: 419-468-3432 ext. 11016

Email: king.shannon@galionschools.org

Maintain Student Meal Accounts

As we return to pre-COVID meal practices, families will need to complete Free/Reduced Price Meal Applications!  We encourage ALL Tiger families to complete an application. Use the link to PaySchools Central on the left menu to be directed to the online application or access the printable version.  If you choose the printable version, it must be returned or mailed to the Food Services Director, Shannon King. Ms. King's office is located in Galion High School. We encourage families to complete applications at the beginning of the school year, however, applications will be accepted throughout the school year as situations change.

All students who wish to purchase meals may deposit money in their student meal account.  Payments can be made via cash, check, or online using PaySchools.   

To register for a new account, your will need your student’s district student ID#.  This number is located in Final Forms next to the student's name in the upper left corner of the student's forms page as shown below. If you cannot locate this number, please contact your building secretary or administrator.

Locate Student ID Number

Menu Pricing


Breakfast is FREE for all students 

Adult breakfast $2.25


Grades K-5 Student lunch with milk is $3.00

Grades 6-12 Student lunch with milk is $3.25

Adult lunch is $4.00

Milk for packers / Extra Milk is $.50

**Reduced lunch price $.40 for qualified

Questions? Contact Food Service Director

Shannon King 419-468-6500 ext. 11016