Mobile Food Pantry
Welcome to the information hub for the Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio Mobile Food Pantry on the campus of the Galion City Schools.

New traffic pattern and volunteer processes begin July 30, 2024 for the safety of our students and in effort to reduce traffic and parking congestion.
Afternoon buses will be moving through campus from 2:20-4:45. All school buses have the right-of- way.
Be courteous and respectful of all buses and other vehicles while this new traffic flow becomes routine.
No parking will be permitted prior to 3:00. Unattended vehicles may be towed.

Information for Families
Second Harvest distributes FREE boxes of assorted shelf-stable food and more each month.
Please follow the guidelines below during food distribution:
Photo ID is required.
Please remain in your vehicle.
Food will only be placed in the trunk of your vehicle.
Food cannot be placed in the front or back seat area.
Please ensure the trunk space is clean and clear of other items.
Due to an increase in participation, we are limiting 2 households per vehicle.

Pre-Registration is highly encouraged but not required.
Questions? Please contact Jessica Berger, Family Engagement Coordinator at 419.468.3134, ext. 13555 or email
Information for Volunteers
Galion City Schools is looking for district and community members to help feed 500 families in our community. Donate 2-3 hours of your time and assist with pantry operations, including:
Volunteer Opportunities
Household Registrations
Distribution Set-up
Food Loading & Re-stocking
Traffic Control
Community Volunteer Requirements
Must be 18 yrs. old or older
Must have a criminal background check or be directly affiliated with the Galion City School District.
Student Volunteers
Ages 14 or older who are in need of volunteer hours
Must have prior permission from Galion High School Administration
Must have parent/guardian permission.
Questions? Please contact Jessica Berger, Family Engagement Coordinator at 419.468.3134, ext. 13555 or email