Schoolwide Title 1 Program

What is Title I?

A Title I Schoolwide program is a method of delivering Title I services in eligible schools. This is a federally funded program that offers support to all students and families in the core subject areas. The Title I program provides additional instructional support, support services for non-academic barriers, instructional coaching, curriculum resources, parent and community engagement resources, and professional development for all four schools that make up the Galion City School District.


Schools are considered Title I eligible based on the percentage of students who participate in the Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program. It is extremely important that all families complete the Free/Reduced Lunch form annually for each student that attends our schools.

All students are eligible for Title I services. In addition, some students are identified for more focused intervention based on assessments and classroom performance.

For Parents and Families

For parents and families, each Title I school provides and shares several key program elements:

Each building sponsors an annual meeting to gather feedback and ideas from parents and families regarding Title I services. Your building’s annual meeting may be paired with a Literacy Night or STEM family event. Watch for this information from your building Principal and on the District Calendar of Events on the Galion City Schools website.

Parent Engagement / Parent Involvement

Parent engagement is a foundational component of Title I with many specific requirements for districts to provide parents with information, opportunities and resources to help their child achieve academically.

 The Galion City School District offers:

  • District and school-level parental/family involvement policies

  • Parent/Guardian, Student and Teacher Compacts

  • Materials and/or resources to help parents/families assist their child(ren) in literacy and learning

  • Events focused on Family Engagement and Academics.

We value the input of all our parents and families. By completing the survey, you can provide input to help us better serve your child and meet their needs.

Educational Responsibility

Galion City Schools is dedicated to providing quality education for every student in the district. To accomplish this objective, the district will develop and maintain partnerships with families and students. Families, students, and teachers will share responsibility for improved student achievement.

Families are requested to support achievement in the following ways;

  • monitor homework and assignments

  • regularly ask their student(s) specific questions about their day

  • ensure daily student attendance

  • parent/guardian attendance at conferences

  • support of schoolwide behavior plans

  • become involved regularly in school activities

Students will take responsibility for:

  • their own learning

  • their homework and assignments

  • follow the school behavior plan.

School personnel will:

  • communicate with families

  • provide a high-quality curriculum

  • notify families of concerns that affect student achievement.

Parent Notification

Parent/Guardians are required to acknowledge Title 1 notification each year by signing the Title 1 Notification form located in Final Forms.

Parental Right to Know

The Federal Law, No Child Left Behind, requires that any school receiving federal Title I assistance must notify parents that they may request information regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teacher, including the following:

  1. Has  the teacher met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction?

  2. Is  the teacher  teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived?

  3. Is  the teacher teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher?

  4. Is your child provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications?

District Assessments

Federal and state laws require all districts and schools to test all students in specific grades and courses. There is no law that allows a parent or student to opt out of state testing, and there is no state test opt-out procedure or form. If a parent withdraws a child from participation in certain state tests, there may be consequences for the student, the student’s teacher, and the school and district.