Galion City Schools is excited to announce their fall play, "Puffs," presented by the Galion High School Drama Club. The production promises to entertain audiences of all ages with its magical story!
"Puffs," written by Matt Cox, offers a fresh and humorous take on a beloved magical world, bringing an enchanting twist to a familiar tale (J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter”). The play centers around the lives of the "Puffs," a group of young wizards who attend a “certain school of magic." While the world was captivated by the tales of a well-known wizard, "Puffs" unveils the comical and uncharted adventures of these unlikely heroes during their seven eventful years.
Directed by Felicity Melendez and Cohen Pierce, "Puffs" showcases the hard work and dedication of the Performing Arts Department. The team has invested countless hours in rehearsals and preparations, ensuring an entertaining evening.
"We can't wait for our Puffs to get their place in the spotlight this weekend!” said Pierce, Galion High School junior and play director. “Everybody's put in a ton of work and practice and it has really been amazing to see it all come together! We are all so excited to share our laughs and show Galion what it means to be a true puff!"
Don't miss this opportunity to experience the world of "Puffs" as it unfolds on the Galion Community Theatre stage. We can’t wait to see you there!
Performance Information:
Galion Community Theatre: 127 Harding Way W, Galion, OH
November 10 and 11 at 7:00 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.
November 12 at 1:00 p.m., doors open at 12:30 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased at the door. Please note, the theater is cash only.