Resilient Students

Prior to the October 15th Board of Education Meeting, the annual Title 1 Parent Informational Meeting took place. This meeting was facilitated by Title 1 Coordinator, Jacqueline Robbeloth. Information regarding Title 1 services can be found on the Galion website

During the meeting, four students and four staff members were recognized by the Galion School Board for notably demonstrating the Portrait of a Tiger trait: Resilient. Congratulations to the following students: Kenton Carothers 10th grade; Waku Estep 6th grade;   Jamison Harris 3rd grade and Lucy Edgell 2nd grade. Staff members include Sean Maguire (GHS) Sarah Smith (GMS),  Marsha Rundell (GIS) and Sara Wegesin (GPS).

In addition, several important topics were addressed. The Board accepted two donations from the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) to support the Civil Air Patrol program as well as a donation from the Galion Boosters to cover the cost of student passes at fall athletic events. 

As winter weather is approaching, Dr. Hartmann proposed using "Roary" as the official voice of Galion City Schools for weather related calls. “This will add a little extra fun to the anticipated snow day phone calls that our families receive”, said Dr. Hartmann. 

The draft version of the district’s five-year forecast was presented by the treasurer. The final version of this forecast will be presented and voted on during the November meeting. 

Lastly, the Board approved the resignation for retirement purposes from Charlene Parkinson, Treasurer. Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center will be used to conduct the formal search for a new treasurer. The Board, however, declared its intent to rehire Mrs. Parkinson in her current position for up to 180 days to support the transition which should begin on or about January 1, 2025. There will be a public hearing for the purpose of discussing her return to the district as retire/rehire at the November 19, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education.

The full agenda can be found at

Staff Members of the MonthStudents of the Month