The Galion Intermediate School needs your help in participating in a fun community service project. Students are bringing in unopened boxes of cereal to donate to our local food pantry, Ohio Heartland Community Action. As a fun bonus, we will set up the boxes like dominoes through the halls of the building as a school-wide Cereal Box Domino Challenge before donating them. The student who brings in the most boxes in each grade level will be the one to start the chain reaction. How You Can Help: Donate unopened cereal boxes – Any brand or size is welcome! We are asking all students to donate at least ONE box. You can either send it in with your student or drop it off in the Intermediate office any day between now and Thursday, March 13th.
about 7 hours ago, Galion City Schools
Cereal Box Challenge
Reminder that this Friday, March 7, ends the third grading period, and it will be a 2-hour early dismissal. Let’s finish strong, Tigers!
3 days ago, Galion City Schools
2-hr Early Release
Galion Primary School is now registering students for Kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year.. Call the school office at 419-468-4010 to schedule screening appointments. Children must be 5 years old by August 1, 2025, to be eligible for enrollment.
3 days ago, Galion City Schools
Kindergarten Registration Begins
This week, we celebrate and share our appreciation for our school social worker, Kirstie Naumoff. Ms. Naumoff has been a great resource for our elementary school students and their families. She continues to demonstrate kindness and compassion with a smile every day. We are grateful for all she does at Galion City Schools.
3 days ago, Galion City Schools
Social Worker Appreciation Week
The Tiger trait for March is Balanced. Our hope and goal for balance Tigers is that they make a conscious effort to prioritize and create equilibrium in personal, academic, and emotional demands. These efforts guide them to make healthy choices when dividing their time between academic responsibilities, friends, and family. Maintaining balance through their ability to organize and self-regulate in daily life develops skills to confront feelings of overwhelmedness and stress as adults.
3 days ago, Galion City Schools
Our team of bus drivers thank you for doing your part in keeping us all safe while we transport our students to and from school. Complying with the RED STOP sign during loading and unloading, giving us room to make wide turns, and watching your speed around bus stops are all ways you can help us be safe. We appreciate your willingness to follow these guidelines.
5 days ago, Galion City Schools
Thank You from the drivers
As we wind down our Love the Bus Month of February, here are some kind words from some of our littlest Tigers!
5 days ago, Galion City Schools
February is Love the Bus Month
Galion City Schools are now closed for today, Thursday, February 20. Be safe out there, Tigers!
12 days ago, Jeffrey Hartmann
Now closed
Galion City Schools is on a two hour delay. Be safe, Tigers!
12 days ago, Jeffrey Hartmann
Galion is on a two hour delay today.  Be safe Tigers!
Our winter wellness fair is underway. Come join us at the Middle School until 6:00. We have great swag for you!
12 days ago, Galion Intermediate School
swag table
get some recipes
win a prize
eat some chili
cooking lessons
The Galion City School District will host parent/teacher conferences in each building on Wednesday, Feb. 19th. Don't forget to stop in the Middle School to check out the Winter Wellness Resource Fair from 4:00-6:00. There will be fun, food, information, and prizes! We can't wait to see you there!
13 days ago, Galion City Schools
Reminder Feb. 19 PTConferences
As a friendly reminder please, regardless of HCTB, have your student at their designated place of safety 5 minutes prior to your scheduled time. As many may know, buses require a great deal of maintenance and it might not be your actual bus that picks up or drops off being displayed on the app. With that in mind, having your student ready will only allow us to pick up or drop off in a timely manner.
13 days ago, Dianna Danner
The Galion City School District has announced open positions for the 2025-26 school year. See all job postings at and learn more about us at Apply now and join our fantastic team!
13 days ago, Galion City Schools
Available Teaching Positions
Good Evening Tiger Families. I apologize for the late call. We are going to have a 2 hr delay tomorrow due to the icy road conditions. The ACT Registration for the Juniors will be postponed until Wednesday. You will follow the same time schedule. Have a good night and see you tomorrow.
14 days ago, Galion City Schools
Feb 18 2 hr delay
The girls' Varsity Head Soccer Coach position is now available for the 2025 season. Interested candidates should contact Athletic Director Matt Tyrrell. 419-468-6500 or
18 days ago, Galion City Schools
Hiring Girls Varsity Soccer Coach
t's Valentine's Week, let's spread Love and Kindness❤️🩷💙🧡
24 days ago, Shannon King
Feb 10
February is Love the Bus Month! Join us in celebrating the incredible team of bus drivers and our entire transportation department who safely transport our students. Whether it’s a friendly smile in the morning, ensuring safe travels to athletic events, or their unwavering dedication, our transportation team makes a difference in the lives of our students. Thank you to all those who work on our big yellow buses!
24 days ago, Galion City Schools
February is Love the Bus Month
The ACT Test is on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, for all Galion Juniors who have not opted out. Students should arrive at the high school at 7:25. Bring a student ID or driver's license. Students are responsible for their own transportation if they choose to leave after the test. Students who have opted out are expected to follow their regular schedule for the day.
25 days ago, Veronica Rinehart
ACT Test February 25
Attention Class of 2026! The ACT Test will be administered at Galion High School on February 25. Registration for this test will occur on February 18, for all juniors who have not opted out. Students who opt out must return the form with parent signatures by February 14. If you have questions about the ACT, please contact Christy Zender, School Counselor. For registration on February 18, students should arrive by 7:25 and come prepared with a fully charged school-issued iPad or Chromebook. Transportation to Pioneer will be provided after registration. On test day, the 25th, students should arrive by 7:25. They must bring their school identification or driver’s license, a calculator, and several sharpened #2 pencils. When testing concludes, students are dismissed for the day. Transportation is the students’ responsibility if they choose to leave after testing. Students not taking the ACT will follow their regular school schedule.
25 days ago, Galion High School
ACT Information
Due to the icy conditions, the Galion City School district will be closed today. Parent-teacher conferences for this evening will be rescheduled .
26 days ago, Galion City Schools
We ard closed Feb. 6 2025