We're hiring! We are looking for highly qualified candidates to join the Tiger family as a Middle School Science teacher and as our new Middle School Principal! Follow each of the links below to learn more and apply TODAY! - GMS Science - https://bit.ly/3uYqKFM - GMS Principal - https://bit.ly/3raO1TF
almost 3 years ago, Galion City Schools
GMS positions available
Spring Break 2022 is just around the corner! This year's break will be April 11-18, with students and staff returning to campus on April 19!
almost 3 years ago, Galion City Schools
spring break 2022
Galion students have their artwork on display at Artapolooza 2022 at Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center through Wednesday, April 6! We encourage our families and Galion community members to make the short drive to Mansfield to see the artistic talents of our students in person! Check out a preview of the artwork on display - https://youtu.be/IW0hsNtno6k
almost 3 years ago, Galion City Schools
Artapolooza 2022 video
Experience one of the largest student art displays in the area! Monday, April 4- Wednesday, April 6 8:00am-7:00pm at the Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center 890 West Fourth Street in Mansfield. Galion Middle School is proud to have 43 students' art work on display. Congratulations to all these students: 8th Grade: Bella Ruiz, Felicity Skaggs, Emma Perman, Zach Sallee, Elizabeth Ely, Tristen Freeman, Kylee Crager, Layla Frazier, Ava Stowers, Ashley Franks, Addy Flick, Nevaeh Patterson, Cadie Marsh, Miley Harsh, Leigha Mutchler 7th Grade: Stella Volz, Clair Barnett, Makaylyn Anderson, Bella Ice, Hannah Nelson, Christian Agnew, Brennan Walker, Katelynn McMullen, Jaiden Jones, Jameson Glew, Aaliyah Duggan, Norah Blevins, Jackson Henry 6th Grade: Ethan Craft, Lily Hall, Carly Alfrey, Emma Boyer, Callie Bennett, Destiny Staton, Jaxon Perkins, Stephanie McMillen, Lynnea Phelps, Bella Alberty, Kurt Hay, Shaylee Jones, Avah Meachem, Carli Click, Sedona Gorka
almost 3 years ago, Galion City Schools
Art a Polooza 2022
Juniors and Seniors are invited to join us for Prom '22. Prom will be held at GHS on April 23, 2022. Doors open at 7:00p.m. Tickets are now available. https://galioncitysdoh.sites.thrillshare.com/o/ghs/page/event-tickets
almost 3 years ago, Galion City Schools
April 23 Prom
REMINDER - The Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio Crawford County Mobile Drive-Thru Pantry event will be held on the district’s campus from 4:00-5:30 pm on Wednesday, March 30. Those wishing to participate are asked to pre-register prior to the event here – https://bit.ly/SH-FB_MAR30. Registration is not required but highly recommended.
almost 3 years ago, Galion City Schools
March 2022 Mobile Food Pantry
Our children need YOU! The Individuals with Disabilities Education Information Act requires that children with disabilities who do not have parents to speak for them in the special education process be given a “surrogate parent” to make decisions about special education issues. A special training course is being offered for adults who are interested in an opportunity to support children in your community who are in need of an advocate. Please contact Cindy Parrott at parrott.cindy@galionschools.org or 419-468-3432, ext. 11005.
about 3 years ago, Galion City Schools
children posing
We are hiring for several FULL TIME and substitute openings in the district! Please follow the link below to see all the opportunities we have available! https://galioncitysdoh.sites.thrillshare.com/page/employment-opportunities
about 3 years ago, Galion City Schools
now hiring sign
Mr. Grant Garverick (right) and Mr. Mike Mateer (left) are sworn in to serve as President and Vice President, respectively, of the Board of Education for 2022 during the board's regular meeting on Jan. 11. Thank you both for your service to our students, staff and the Galion community!
about 3 years ago, Galion City Schools
ceremony of office